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The mission of the Coalition for Police Accountability (“the Coalition” or CPA) is to advocate for accountability of the Oakland Police Department to the community so that the Oakland Police Department operates with equitable, just, constitutional, transparent policies and practices that reflect the values and engender the trust of the community.


In furtherance of its mission as stated herein, the Coalition will:


  • Monitor the implementation of Measure LL, Measure S1, and the activities of the Oakland Police Commission

  • Inform and educate the community on issues related to policing policies and practices in Oakland

In addition, the Coalition will offer to support efforts by other communities to establish oversight of their respective police departments by community members. 


The Coalition may also engage with like-minded groups to pursue or support local, county, and state initiatives or candidates whose objectives are to ensure the protection of civil liberties, promote effective public safety strategies, and advocate for a fair, transparent, and accountable criminal justice system.



CPA gratefully acknowledges support from:

       Sociological Initiatives Foundation

       Unitarian Universalist Fund for a Just Society


The Coalition is composed of both organizations and individual members. We are a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit organization.


Board of Directors
Cathy Leonard, President
Sheryl Walton, Secretary & Interim Treasurer

Walter Riley, Esq.


Steering Committee Members

Millie Cleveland, Chair

Cathy Leonard

Allene Warren

Mariano Contreras 

Michael Tigges

Rev. Derron Jenkins

Carol Draizen



Rashidah Grinage, Advisor to the Board



Faith in Action East Bay (formerly OCO)

Imani Community Church

Latino Task Force

League of Women Voters – Oakland chapter
Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club

Block by Block Organizing Network (BBBON))

Urban Strategies Council

NAACP – Oakland chapter

SEIU Local 1021

ILWU Local 10


American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)


The mission of the Coalition for Police Accountability (“the Coalition” or CPA) is to advocate for accountability of the Oakland Police Department to the community so that the Oakland Police Department operates with equitable, just, constitutional, transparent policies and practices that reflect the values and engender the trust of the community.

  • Our Facebook
  • @oakcopoversight

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